Samsung has launched Windows Phone phones this year



Since the launch of the Windows operating system of iPhone in 2010, Samsung tried to release some smart phones to operate the system, and although not achieved real success with the system, but that the company is considering the possibility of relying on the system again in 2015, according to the Korea Times newspaper.
The problem that stand in front of Samsung is currently the case, which take place between them and Microsoft - developer of the system - in the courts regarding the amounts paid by the Samsung American company for each phone running Android, because patents owned by Microsoft, Samsung was stopped paying these amounts after the acquisition of Microsoft Nokia, where you see the Korean company a monopoly types.
The managed two companies to reach a solution in this case is expected to see Samsung mobile operating system Windows Phone 8.1 with the third fiscal quarter of the current year's end, where you see the Samsung Windows Phone system a new opportunity to reduce its dependence on the Android system from Google, in addition to the Tizen being developed The company internally.
In the opinion will be of interest to Microsoft Samsung Windows Phone system is based, until now, Microsoft has not achieved what you wish from the launch of the system comes from the largest number of sales of the Lumia phones that have become branded for Microsoft after the completion of its acquisition of Nokia.

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