Huawei profits rise 17% over last year


Huawei Chinese not only last year launched several smart phones and high-class designs for the global market, so that sales and the results of their work was impressive, according to the company, the net operating profit last year rose 17% from the previous year.

The growing global trend towards the adoption of the fourth-generation networks is the source of the
 company's earnings growth, while total revenue rose 20% during 2014.
Huawei faces significant competition from Ericsson company, in the field of infrastructure and mobile communications networks. They are also in a feverish race against time to develop a fifth-generation networks to be one of the first companies to be provided in addition to the marked superiority in the smartphone market.
The company's revenue from hardware and sector-oriented individual consumers business has grown 32%, thanks to higher sales of medium and high hardware specifications as well as grew 27% in business-oriented enterprise.
The company has faced over the past year of several challenges, including the US audit because of potential security risks in terms of the relationship and the suspect near the Chinese company with the Government of China. The United States banned the release of any dock networks decades Huawei in America and Australia as a result of fears that the spying on communications.
It is noteworthy that Huawei has invested $ 600 million until 2017 to develop a fifth-generation networks will continue its global expansion in the areas of smart phones and computing companies.
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