
Showing posts from January, 2015

Solved MCQ on Core Operating System Principle set-13

1) In memory management, a technique called as paging, the physical memory is broken into fixed sized blocks called ......... A. pages B. frames C. blocks D. segments 2) Which method is used to recover from deadlock? A. Process termination B. Resource preemption C. Resource non-preemption D. Process termination and Resource preemption 3) Saving the state of the old process and loading the saved state of the new process is called .... A. context switch B. static C. multi programming D. none of the above 4) The degree of Multiprogramming is controlled by ...... A. CPU scheduler B. context switching C. long term scheduler D. medium term scheduler 5) Input transfers are done in advance and output transfers are done after sometimes in which of these technique? A. Spooling B. Buffering C. Swapping D. Paging 6) A binary semaphore ......... A. has the values one or zero B. is essential to binary computers C. is used only for synchronization D. is used only for mutual exclusion 7) A scheduling ...

Objective Questions on Core Operating System set-12

1) An optimal scheduling algorithm in terms of minimizing the average waiting time of a given set of process is ... A. FCFS scheduling B. Round robin scheduling algorithm C. Shortest job first scheduling algorithm D. Priority scheduling algorithm 2) The hardware mechanism that enables a device to notify the CPU is called ....... A. polling B. interrupt C. system call D. none of the above 3) In the running state ........ A. only the process which has control of the processor is found B. all the process waiting for I/O to be completed are found C. all the processes waiting for the processor are found D. none of the above 4) Which technique was introduced because a single job could keep both the CPU and the I/O devices busy? A. Time sharing B. Spooling C. Preemptive scheduling D. Multiprogramming 5) RMA works on static priorities while EDF algorithm works on ........ A. starvation B. dynamic priorities C. RR scheduling D. FIFO scheduling 6) In the ........... method of data transfer, the ...

Interview Questions on Operating System Basis set-11

1) Which of the following is crucial time while accessing data on the disk? A. Seek time B. Rotational time C. Transmission time D. Waiting time 2) What is the primary job of the operating system is a computer? A. Command resources B. Manage resources C. Provide utilities D. Be user friendly 3) The ......... is a user process that initiates a remote procedure call. A. client B. server C. network D. operating system 4) Which of the following memory allocation scheme suffers from external fragmentation? A. Segmentation B. Pure demand paging C. Swapping D. Paging 5) Which of the following is used to removal of process from active contention of CPU and reintroduce them into memory later? A. Interrupt B. Swapping C. Signal D. Thread 6) The operating system manages ..... A. memory B. processor C. disk and I/O devices D. all of the above 7) Information about a process is maintained in a ......... A. stack B. translation look a side buffer C. process control block D. program control block 8) P...

MCQ on Operating System Fundamental set-10

1) The process of storing extra or duplicate information used for rebuilding the lost information in event of disks failure is known as ... A. stripping B. redundancy C. disk array D. RAID 2) A thread that is to be canceled is often referred to as the .... A. target thread B. thread cancellation C. asynchronous cancellation D. defined cancellation 3) ........... ensures the every message sent to a group of receivers will be delivered to either all of them or none of them. A. Ordered delivery B. Atomicity B. Survivability D. Realiability 4) An arrangement of record in a sequence in which they arrive is known as a ........... A. pile B. file C. disk D. directory 5) ........... also known as monitor mode. A. User mode B. System mode C. Unprivileged mode D. Process mode 6) The technique, for sharing the time of a computer among several jobs, which switches jobs so rapidly such that each job appears to have the computer to itself, is called ........ A. time sharing B. time out C. time domai...

Solved MCQ on Operating System Basis set-9

1) The process is ........ A. an instance of a program in execution B. a program only C. a processor state D. the kernel state 2) The mechanism that brings a page into memory only when it is needed is called ..... A. segmentation B. fragmentation C. demand paging D. page replacement 3) The two paradigms if IPC are ............ and ....... A. call, reply B. shared memory, message passing C. send, receive D. call by value, call by reference 4) A program is passive while a process is .......... A. inactive B. spontaneous C. active D. impulse 5) FIFO scheduling is .......... A. preemptive scheduling B. non preemptive scheduling C. deadline scheduling D. fair share scheduling 6) ......... ensures that once transaction completes successively, the results of the operations become permanent. A. serializability B. synchronizability C. atomicity D. durability 7) A process is created and is initially put in the ........ A. ready queue B. device queue C. i/o queue D. waiting queue 8) Which directo...

MCQ Questions on Fundamental of Java set-16

1) Java programs are ........ independent. A. platform B. procedural C. high level D. Secure 2) Methods having same name, same type signature are called ....... methods. A. overriding B. overloading C. overwriting D. over reading 3) When several tasks are handled by a single CPU, it is called ......... A. multitasking B. task C. simultaneous D. taker 4) A Java program must contain a ....... method. A. user defined B. main C. local D. return 5) Package statement helps to create many classes to have ........ name. A. differ B. vanity C. same D. punch 6) Threads can be created by extending .......... class. A. new B. operator C. thread D. super thread 7) ........... operator is used to create an array. A. new B. public C. key D. main 8) A method without the body is called ......... method. A. view B. class C. abstract D. user defined 9) Threads can be created by implementing ......... interface. A. new B. create C. main D. runnable 10) An instance of a class is ........ A. method B. init...

Interview Questions on Core Java Language set-3

1) The CODE value in an ......... tag must name a class file that is in the same directory as the calling HTML page. A. (applet) B. >applet< C. <applet> D. <applet tag> 2) A class can be converted to a thread by implementing the interface .......... A. Thread B. Runnable C. Start D. Yield 3) Which of the following classes are not available in the java.lang package? A. Stack B. Object C. Math D. String 4) State True or False for the following statements. i) Reader class has a method that can read and return floats and doubles ii) It is possible to use the File class to list the contents of the current of the working directory A. i-True, ii-False B. i-False, ii-True C. i-True, ii-True D. i-False, ii-False 5) The setBackground() method is part of the following class in JAVA.awt package. A. Component B. Graphics C. Applet D. Container 6) Which method is used to set the text of a Label object? A. setText() B. setLabel() C. setTextLabel() D. setLabelText() 7) Which of the f...

Objective Questions on Core Java Language set-2

1) The methods wait() and notify() are defined in A. java.lang.String B. java.lang.Runnable C. java.lang.Object D. java.lang.Thread 2) The data or variables, defined within a class are called ..... variables. A. object B. class C. instance D. schema 3) When we implement the Runnable interface, we must define the method. A. start() B. init() C. run() D. resume() 4) ........ class must give a concrete method. A. abstract B. constructor C. least D. program 5) Which exception is thrown by the read() method of input stream class? A. Exception B. FileNotFoundException C. ReadException D. IOException 6) When a method calls itself, it is called ...... A. recursion B. distance C. display D. problem 7) Which of the following statements are true? i) An abstract class may not have any final methods. ii) A final class may not have any abstract methods iii) An inner class may be declared with any accessibility keyword iv) Transient variable must be static A. i and ii B. ii and iii C. iii and iv D. A...

Interview Questions on Overview of Java set-15

1) Object is an ........ of class. A. instance B. implement C. inheritance D. invoke 2) ....... is the wrapper class. A. Random B. Byte C. Vector D. String 3) Class is a ........ entity. A. logical B. Physical C. up normal D. collection of 4) Which of the following denotes a javadoc comment? A. //# B. /* C. /** D. //** 5) Object is a ........ entity. A. normal B. physical C. logical D. normal 6) One interface can inherit another by use of the keyword ........ A. public B. extends C. method name D. class name 7) ......... must be the first non comment statement in the file A. package B. class C. object D. declaration 8) In java thread to thread communication is called .... A. passing B. sending C. messaging D. calling 9) Every method of a ........... is implicitly final. A. static class B. dynamic class C. final class D. abstract class 10) The string is defined in ......... name space. A. java.Lang B. java.String C. java.Char D. java.Awt 11) A ......... object cannot be modified after i...

Solved MCQ on Fundamental of Java Language set-14

1) Which of the following statement is/are true? i) The name of a java program file must match the name of the class with the extension .java ii) Two methods cannot have the same name in java A. i- only B. ii- only C. Both i and ii D. None of the above 2) Which of the following represent(s) of a hexadecimal number? A. 570 B. (hex)5 C. 0X9F D. 0X5 3) ........ can appear only where in the body of a java method. A. definition B. declaration C. determine D. package 4) State whether the following statement are True or False? i) The modulus operator(%) can be used only with integer operands ii) Declarations can appear anywhere in the body of a java method A. i-True, ii-False B. i-False, ii-True C. i-True, ii-True D. i-False, ii-False 5) Which of the following will produce a value of 22 if x=22.9? A. ceil(x) B. round(x) C. rint(x) D. abs(x) 6) ........ is passed to a method by use of call by reference. A. Variables B. Objects C. Methods D. Operators 7) Using the keyboard interface you can ful...

Interview Questions on Fundamental of C Language set-8

1) The control automatically passes the first statement after the loop in .. A. Continue statement B. Break statement C. Switch statement D. If statement 2) Which of the following is a scalar data type? A. Float B. Union C. Array D. Pointer 3) The given FOR loop is .. for( ; ; ) { printf(" "); } A. valid B. invalid C. indefinite D. displays runtime error 4) In C, a union is ...... A. memory location B. memory store C. memory screen D. memory space 5) The ......... statement causes immediate exit from the loop overriding the condition test .. A. Exit B. Break C. Goto D. None of the above 6) Pointers are of .......... A. integer data type B. character data type C. unsigned integer data type D. None of these 7) The keyword used to transfer control from a function back to the calling function is ... A. switch B. goto C. go back D. return 8) Identify the invalid pointer arithmetic ...... A. addition of float value to a pointer B. comparison of pointers that do not point to the...

Solved MCQ on Fundamental of C Language set-7

1) 'C' allows a three way transfer of control with the help of A. Unary Operator B. Relational Operator C. Ternary Operator D. Comparison Operator 2) Operators have hierarchy. It is used to know which operator .... A. is most important B. is used first C. is faster D. operators on large numbers 3) The statement that transfers control to the beginning of the loop is called .. A. break statement B. exit statement C. continue statement D. goto statement 4) C programming language was developed by .. A. Dennis Ritche B. Ken Thompson C. Bill Gates D. Peter Norton 5) The value that follows the keyword CASE may only be A. constants B. variable C. number D. semicolon 6) In a C language 'a' represents ... A. a digit B. an integer C. a character D. a word 7) The statement which is used to terminate the control from the loop is A. break B. continue C. goto D. exit 8) The continue command cannot be used with .... A. for B. switch C. do D. while 9) A self contained block of statement...

Objective Questions on Ms Power Point in Ms Office set-2

1) A chart can be put as a part of the presentation using A. Chart From Insert Menu B. Picture and Choose Chart From Insert Menu C. Chart From Tools Menu D. Chart From Format Menu 2) Which of the following can you used to add times to the slide in a presentation? A. Slide show menu B. Rehearse timing button C. Slide transaction button D. All of the above 3) Which of the following provides a printed copy of your presentation? A. Outlines B. Speaker notes C. Audience handouts D. All of the above 4) Which shortcut key on the keyboard can be used to view slide show. A. F1 B. F2 C. F5 D. F10 5) In order to edit a chart, you can A. Triple Click the chart object B. Click and drag the chart object C. Double Click the chart object D. Click the above 6) Which of the following is not an option when printing handouts? A. Six slides per page B. Five slides per page C. Three slides per page D. Two slides per page 7) Which option can be used to create a new slide show with the current slides but pres...

Solved MCQ on Ms PowerPoint in Ms Office set-1

1) Which of the following toolbars provide different options in various master views? A. Common Task Toolbar B. Drawing Toolbar C. Formatting Toolbar D. Standard Toolbar 2) Which of the following allow you to select more than one slides in slide sorter view? A. Alt+Click on each slide B. Shift+Drag each slide C. Shift+Click on each slide D. Ctrl+Click each slide 3) The handout master contains placeholders for all of the following except A. Slide number B. Title C. Footer D. Header 4) Which of the following is the default page setup orientation for slide in Power Point? A. Vertical B. Landscape C. Portrait D. Tail 5) The boxes that are displayed to indicated that the text, pictures or objects are placed in it called .. A. Placeholder B. Auto text C. Text Box D. Word Art 6) Which of the following features should you use when typing in the notes text box? A. Slide shows B. Insert C. Slide master D. Zoom 7) Which of the following provides a means of printing our features notes with a minia...

Interview Questions on Microsoft Excel with Answer set-6

1) When you insert an excel file into a word document. The data are A. Hyper-linked place in a word table B. Linked C. Embedded D. Use the word menu bar and toolbars 2) All worksheet formula A. Manipulate values B. Manipulate labels C. Return a formula result D. Use the addition operator 3) Which of the following is available in Formula Auditing? A. Trace Precedents B. Trace Dependents C. Trace Error D. All 4) Concatenation of text can be done using .. A. Apostrophe(') B. Exclamation(!) C. Hash(#) D. Ampersand(&) 5) You can enter which types of data into worksheet cells? A. Labels, values and formulas B. Labels and values but not formulas C. Values and formulas but not labels D. Formulas only 6) Which of the following is NOT in sheet A. Tab Color B. Rename C. Hide D. All 7) Data can be arranged in a worksheet in an easy to understand manner using .. A. Auto Formatting B. Applying styles C. Changing fonts D. All of the above 8) A circular reference is A. Geometric modeling tool ...